Friday, August 30, 2013

Too old for drama

Hello everyone, 
well first of all sorry for the chit-chat thingy here..
Oh I'd like to use a little bit Indonesian too this time.
So, yeah.. I'm back into my blog today, cus banyak banget uneg-uneg yang ada di otakku sekarang. you know for the past couple months having a cat fight oh whatever you wanna say, this person really really annoys me so much. Oh really!

Aku ga pernah mau tahu urusanmu, mau kamu hidup kek, mati kek, apapun yg ada hubungannya sama kamu, I DON'T EVEN CARE okay. SO why you keep bothering me so much. Especially the harsh words you used, hellooo, pendidikan tinggi, tapi etika & tutur kata kok sama sekali ga sepadan sama education'nya sih? Itu mulut apa sampah haha *sorry*

Well, sorry for whining a lot in here guys, I just need to express what I felt, people get tired okay, tired to act like everything is fine, everything is under control, oh whatever. YOU said that you "set him free" ? OH REALLY? HAHAHA!! well I don't have to say anything, but just make sure that your words are 100% TRUE.

Remember what YOU SAID last year, if you don't please just SEE YOUR POST ON FACEBOOK, you said that you never want to destroy someone relationship especially your ex, BUT WHAT?! HAHAHAHA. Such a hypocrite.. So, if you're now reading this, what you wanna do? MAU NGELAPOR LAGI? hahaha udah gede masi suka laporan, anak SD ya? hahahaha.. But I don't really care, you already messed up with me & my life. So I wish KARMA hit you straight on your face REALLY SOON.

You said that I "WANT" him? Yeah, I want him. I want him to be in my life, I want him for the rest of my life. Is that wrong? I don't think so. I didn't "WANT" him for any reasons. Or maybe you are the one who "WANT" him for reasons?  No offense dude. And just to make it straight, I never forced him to be with me, or choose me instead of you, I already told him that HE'S FREE TO CHOOSE okay. And I accept the fact that he chooses you. SO WHAT'S THE MATTER NOW?! I don't even care about you, and all the things between you two. So get losttttt!!

And just to let you know, I am now OKAY, I'm fine, I'm happy, and I enjoyed my life as much as I can, just like before I met him okay. So please yaa ga usah bandingin rasa sakit yg pernah kamu alamin, perjuangan kamu, atau apapun. Cus, rasa sakit kita itu beda, cara berjuang kita juga beda, pengorbanan kita juga beda. Aku bukan ingin hitung2an disini, cuma ngelurusin aja, KALO KITA GAK SAMA dan GA AKAN PERNAH SAMA. Mungkin kesamaan kita itu cuma "pengen" sama orang yang sama, tapi kata pengen kita itu BEDA. Entah kamu ada maksud ato ngga, who knows? :)

Dan kalo emang kamu ngebebasin dia dari dulu, ga akan kamu ikut campur dalam semua hal, pake cara apapun biar dia ga bisa berkutik, mau ga mau dia harus pilih kamu. Well well, kalo aku ngelakuin hal seperti itu, itu cuma buat aku malu sendiri. hahaha.. Please, before you say something, pikir dulu.
You can tell people what I've done, but don't forget to tell them what you've done TOO!
Cukup tau aja kokkk.
And the last, I told you,
I am too old for all your fuckin' drama, and too young to give a fuck.

Karma's only a BITCH if   Y O U  are. :)

Oh okay then,
sorry guys, I think I'll see you later in the next interesting blog..


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